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Miniaturka MTV
The Troll
Trollowanie we Francji.
okejki 34 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Steve Nash i parodia Gwiezdnych Wojen
Steve Nash stars in a parody of "Star Wars." In "Episode 1: The Point Guard Strikes Black", Steve has converted to the Dark Side! Can his teammates save him and restore order to the galaxy?! "Nash, Camera, Action" is a hilarious movie parody series written by, directed by, and starring two-time NBA MVP Steve Nash. Check out one of sports' most irreverent personalities putti(…)
okejki 5 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Axl Rose's Rap ( HD )
Słowa: I'm look a little bitty kid with a real big mouth, And you're gonna have to catch me if you wanna wash it out, Cuz I'll be standin' on the corner,callin' you names, With my juveline skills and delinquent game, ... Cuz I'm a fast motherducker, Let me tell you 'bout it sucker, Said if fuck with me, I'll fuck your mother, Your sister,too, and your best girlfrend, Then(…)
okejki 4 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Wipeout - najlepsze porażki || WTF
Ten program nigdy się nie nudzi. Jego twórcy musieli być prawdziwymi sadystami.
okejki 504 · 78 007x · komentarze 48 · przed dinozaurami