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Miniaturka MTV
Here you will see how cupcakes are made in a beautiful style using a variety of flowers.
4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Here is my couple of hours experiment with 8000 matches.Awesome results.
4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Eksperyment mleko, barwniki a płyn do mycia naczyń
In this video we experimented with food coloring, milk and dish soap, just add a few drops of food coloring into some milk and see what happens, you can use more colors for better results, maybe even try to create a rainbow. Music downloaded from YOUTUBE AUDIO LIBRARY Vibe Mountain - Ruination 2 (3 616x oglądano na YT)
okejki 1 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Nie Pal
The easiest way to see what is in your lungs after a couple of cigarettes . That is why it is better not to smoke.
okejki 2 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
DIY Lava Lamp Experiment
Easy Kids Science Experiments
4 lat temu