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Miniaturka MTV
Taka tam reklama czegoś....
Based on actual events. More or less. Credits: Written and produced by Wieden + Kennedy Animation by Psyop & Sun Creatures Studio Composed by Jim Dooley See more: (452 931x oglądano na YT)
3 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Tour Nick Offerman's California Workshop
Parks & Recreation co-star Nick Offerman is more than just a gifted actor. He's a bonified, true-blue woodworker. Take a tour of his workshop and find out why Nick is more at home in the shop then on the set. Visit for more woodworking technique videos. (2 534 423x oglądano na YT)
okejki 5 · 3 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Po 60 latach ponownie zaobserwowano delfiny w Weneckich kanałach.
Venice's canals, which are usually cloudy, have been transformed into clear water as gondolas and other traffic, which kicks up sediment to the surface, stay away amid the coronavirus outbreak. Footage shows that some fish and dolphins can now be seen under the normally murky water.
okejki 3 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Jak technicznie powstała "Latarnia"
Join the Hurlbut Academy TODAY to go beyond film school! Read the full article: Written By Chris Haigh Narrated and Edited by Ross Papitto (46 402x oglądano na YT)
okejki 1 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Najwiekszy przekręt w krzemowej dolinie Theranos
You can support this channel directly through patreon: or at my amazon affiliate store: blood oxygen meters: or fancy.... or my other channel: (134 154x oglądano na YT)
4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Jak i dlaczego Polacy stracili dostęp do stażów w CERN? || Nauka. To Lubię
Program stażowy dla nauczycieli w laboratorium CERN jest niedostępny dla Polaków, ponieważ urzędnicy i/lub politycy od kilku lat nie są w stanie naprawić błędu, jaki popełniono w 2010 roku. Najbardziej tracą na tym nasze dzieci.
okejki 143 · 16 061x · komentarze 46 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Canon in D by Pachelbel Japanese commercial
00:00 (Announcement) "Father of the Bride will send a music message to the Bride." 00:30 Groom "I'm surprised that your father can play the piano." 00:57 Bride "Stop it." 01:09 Bride "Stop it plz..." 01:13 Bride "The song is...Why you play it..."(Past scene, Bride's mother played CANON when Bride was a child.) 01:35 Bride "Unskilled..." 01:45 Bride "Play gently at the part..(…)
okejki 6 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Trailer nowej odsłony Kerbal Space Program
Kerbal Space Program 2 is the sequel to the acclaimed space flight simulation game Kerbal Space Program from Star Theory and Private Division. With the original Kerbal Space Program having become one of the most beloved games of all time and now bigger than ever, Kerbal Space Program 2 has been fully redesigned from the ground up to meet the demands of modern and next-generatio(…)
okejki 3 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Co jest sekretem suszonego chilli?
Sekretem jest oczywiście jego przygotowanie...
okejki 114 · 26 960x · komentarze 40 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Opera performed by animals | Maestro - CG short film by Illogic collective
Deep into a forest, a gathering of wild animals start a nocturnal opera, conducted by a squirrel. Music: "Squilla Il Bronzo Del Dio - Guerra, guerra" Composed by Vincenzo Bellini Performed by The Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey Conducted by Richard Bonynge Additional Voices: Marie-Ève Racine, Marc Antoine D’Aragon //////////////(…)
okejki 2 · 4 lat temu