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Miniaturka MTV
Mage Awar BR 2.6 Patch Part 013 - Kivan has decided to leave the party!
So only four left. Kivan unfortunetaly has decided to leave the team. We will have small struggles in Mutamin Garden location because we will not use Korax help. Our direction is Bandits Camp. 2.6 Patch - Basic Rules. (3x oglądano na YT)
2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Mage Awar BR 2.6 Patch Part 012 - Gullykin and Ulcaster School.
This time we will visit Gullykin and kicked band of opponents. Then we will revealed the Ulcaster problem. And on the end we will handed all of our money to man lich. 2.6 Patch - Basic Rules. (4x oglądano na YT)
2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Mage Awar BR 2.6 Patch Part 011 - Imoen is leaving!
Dorn argued with Imoen and she decided to left the party. Then during exploring Firewine Bridge almost whole of the party had trouble will they reach forward? Two location cleared. 2.6 Patch - Basic Rules. (5x oglądano na YT)
2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Mage Awar BR 2.6 Patch Part 010
So we challenge Mulahey today. And then we make an exploration around south east corner of map. And gather again significant amount of gp, which we will spend on few very usefull items. 2.6 Patch - Basic Rules. (4x oglądano na YT)
2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Mage Awar BR 2.6 Patch Part 009
2.6 Patch - Basic Rules. Unbeliveable, Ajantis attacked us, because we let Dorn to join us. After shopping in Neshkeel we turn direction to Neshkel mines. We challenged Grey Wolf and get back missing emeralds. And make first proper scout of Miners problem with dog headed monsters. (11x oglądano na YT)
2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Mage Awar BR 2.6 Patch Part 008
2.6 Patch - Basic Rules. So finally we charged the Gnoll Fortress and released Dynaheir. We reached a lot of magic items, but was very close to lose whole of amount of money, but our well reflexed team prevent to that happen. In the end we make shopping in Neshkell. (5x oglądano na YT)
2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Mage Awar BR 2.6 Patch Part 007
2.6 Patch - Basic Rules. Today, we spend 1000 gp for Aquamarine and let Kivan to join our team against bandits. And we start our way to rescue Dynaheir unfortunetely without Minsc, because how in previous part Minsc attacked us. (4x oglądano na YT)
2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Mage Awar BR 2.6 Patch Part 006
Patch 2.6 - Basic Rules. In this part we defeat the Bassilus and earn huge amount as a reward. Everyone will be fine except poor Melicamp. (2x oglądano na YT)
2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Mage Awar BR 2.6 Patch Part 005
In this part we temporary loosing Rasaad and Branwen and what it's suprising Rasaad's boots and Branwen armor and magical mace. Two new locations cleared. If you know how many location is in entire game type in comment below! Enjoy watching... (5x oglądano na YT)
2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Mage Awar BR 2.6 Patch Part 004
Patch 2.6 - Basic Rules. (11x oglądano na YT)
2 lata temu