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Miniaturka MTV
Street Justice Prevails in Chinese Town
Wenzhou street collective Samaritan owed more than 10 members of the public gets her runaway criminals Wenzhou street collective Samaritan act has more than 10 members of the public gets her runaway criminals 2010-05-20 19:15:50 Source: Xinhua (Guangzhou) closely linked to three cell phones and news Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, May 20 - (LU Zhi-Gen, Zhang Heping) May 19, We(…)
okejki 2 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Der gute Afghane
The content you are about to see was taken by German snipers in Kunduz in the year 2004 with their spotting devices. (109 157x oglądano na YT)
okejki 14 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Wielki raper z Kołobrzegu o ksywie Jurgen
okejki 1 · przed dinozaurami