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Oglądasz tylko te filmy, które nadesłał AcidDrinker88
Miniaturka MTV
* Guitar Rig Hero Contest 1st Winner - Jayme Gutierrez
Native Instruments presents: The first winner of the Guitar Rig Hero contest 2008! ****** Name: Jayme Gutierrez Located: JaĂŠn, Spain. Musical influences: Billy Joel, Jaime Cullen, Kean, Muse, Cold Play, John Williams and lots more of grand variety. Background: I am 24 years old, born in England but I live and work in Spain. I´m a self taught musician, can´t read (…)
okejki 9 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
* * Beatallica - All You Need Is Blood
Beatallica "All You Need Is Blood" from the 'All You Need Is Blood" EP. ___*_2010-02-16 22:21:23___*_2010-02-17 19:08:15
okejki 5 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
* The Final Frontier - Teaser
Video premieres on July 13th at! (96 278x oglądano na YT)___*_2010-07-11 15:01:53
okejki 3 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Martch guitar demonstration
This video demonstrates guitar which was made for me by Zbyszek Wiącek - Martch Guitars. (8 825x oglądano na YT)
okejki 3 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
* * AC/DC show
Projekcja by AC/DC na ścianie zamku. Nie wiem jak to zrobili :P___*_2010-04-22 19:51:34___*_2010-04-23 19:36:10
okejki 1 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
* * Double Skateboard FAIL
This guy attempts to ride not one, but two skateboards down a ramp! Thanks to: For more funny FAIL videos and pictures, visit (251 444x oglądano na YT)___*_2010-04-08 19:35:32___*_2010-04-10 15:16:03
okejki 2 · przed dinozaurami