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Akronimy międzynarodowych linii lotniczych

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Wejdź dalej...Wybierasz się w podróż zagranicznymi liniami lotniczymi? Może warto dowiedzieć się jak skróty takich linii "rozszyfrowali" ci, któzy korzystali z ich usług? Oto ściągawka akronimów międzynarodowych linii lotniczych:

ALITALIA = Always Late In The Air, Late In Arrival (Zawsze Spóźniony Start, Spóźniony Przylot)
ALITALIA = Arrived Late In Turin, And Luggage In Australia (Spóźniony W Turynie A Bagaż W Australii)

SABENA = Such A Bloody Experience Never Again (Cóż Za Przykre Doświadczenie, Nigdy Więcej!)

PIA = Please, Inform Allah (Proszę, Powiadomcie Allaha)

JAT = Joke About Time (Żarty Z Terminów)

Kanada (Pacific Western Airlines)

PWA = Pray While Aloft (Módl Się Po Starcie)
PWA = Please Wait Awhile Airlines (Linie Lotnicze CZEKAJ)

Trans World Airlines = Teeny Weeny Airlines. (Tyciunie Maciupcie Linie Lotnicze)

BOAC = Better On A Camel (Wielbłądem Lepiej)

Do tego chaos dorzucił następujące:

AIR INDIA = After I return I’ll Never Do It Again.

ALITALIA = Airplane Lands In Turin And Luggage In Ancona/Airplane Lands In Tokyo And Luggage In Atlanta (etc, etc.)/Always Late In Take-off, Always Late In Arrival/A Little Italian Tradition And Lotsa Italian Attitude.

AWA = America’s Worst Airline.

BOAC = Better Off On A Camel/Better On Air Canada/Boeing Only Aircraft Considered.

BWIA = But Will It Arrive?/Better Walk If Able/Britain’s Worst Investment Abroad.

DELTA = Divert Everyone’s Luggage To Atlanta/Don’t Expect Luggage To Arrive/Doesn’t Ever Leave The Airport/Didn’t Expect To Land There Anyway.

EASYJET = Economy Airline Slows Your Journey Every Time.

EL AL = Every Landing Always Late.

GARUDA = Government Airway Ruined Under Dutch Administration.

KLM = Keeps Losing Money.

LBIAC = Left Brains In Airport Carpark. (Not an airline but an amusing acronym used by airport staff referring to daft customers)

LIAT = Luggage In Another Terminal.

LUFTHANSA = Let Us Find The Hostess As No Steward Available/Let Us Free The Hostages And Not Shoot Anyone.

PAL = Plane Always Late.

QANTAS = Queers And Nancies Trained As Stewards. (originally Queensland And Northern Territory Air Service).

SAHSA = Stay At Home Stay Alive.

SABENA = Such A Bad Experience, Never Again.

SAS = Same As Sabena.

SOSA = Stay Off Stay Alive.

SWISSAIR = Sexy Women In Swissair Services Are Indeed Rare. Not true of course, but then none of this stuff is..

TACA = Take A Chance Airlines/Tres Accidentes Cada Ano (Spanish: Three Accidents Counted Annually).

TAP = Take Another Plane/Tamancos Aereos Portugueses (Portuguese: Portuguese Airborne Clogs).

TAP = Take Another Plane.

TWA = Travel With Anxiety/Thousands Wandering Aimlessly/Terrorists Welcome Aboard/The Worst Airline/Try Walking Across/Teeny Weeny Airlines/Third World Airlines.

UTA = Unlikely To Arrive.

VASP = Vomite Aqui Seu Porco (Portuguese: Throw Up Here You Pig - a reference to the VASP sick-bag logo)/Varias Aeromocas Sao Putas (Portuguese: ’a number of the air stewardesses are loose women’) Again not true of course, like the rest of this silliness..

WIA = Whenever It Arrives.

A SuperLamer rozszyfrował LOT:

LOT = Lot Of Trouble

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