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Forum > English Jokes > Swollen gums
Sepinroth - Superbojowniczka · przed dinozaurami
I spent the last week on short holidays in Poland. It was very, very hot and dry. This clearly impacted my ability to use English properly.

I was waiting with our son in the car for my partner to pay for the petrol. Here is the conversation that took place between us in English:

[Son]: Muuuum, when we were on the plane my gum was swollen…

[Me]: Oh dear, it can happen, you should be more careful. [I could swear he meant €œhe swallowed a chewing gum on the plane]

[Son]: Well, it sort of came back later…

[Me — clearly shocked — did he mean €œhe swallowed the chewing gum and then vomited it?]: What? What do you mean it came back?

[Son, as if nothing happened]: It came back to normal later…

[Me]: You swallowed a chewing gum, vomited it and continued chewing?

[Son laughing]: What are you talking about? My gums in my mouth — you know, the ones with teeth — got swollen, hurt but later it was fine…

Verbs: Swell — swelled — swollen
Swallow — swallowed — swallowed
Tiredness + poor grammar = linguistic confusion…
Ostatnio edytowany: 2014-07-28 14:07:12

Smiley Life is supposed to be fun Smiley

Hhahaha xD
Forum > English Jokes > Swollen gums
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