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Sabine Hossenfelder dekonstruuje 9 poziomów nicości i wolną wolę

8 listopada 2022


"You see, that thing you call free will, should in some sense allow you to choose what you want. But then it's either determined by what you want, in which case it's not free, or it's not determined, in which case it's not a will."

"What is really going on if you are making a decision is that your brain is running a calculation, and while it is doing that, you do not know what the outcome of the calculation will be. Because if you did, you wouldn't have to do the calculation. So, the impression of free will comes from our self-awareness, that we think about what to do, combined with our inability to predict the result of that thinking before we're done."

Inny ogarnięty gostek:


"Po prostu nie możemy doświadczyć braku życia (...) Wszystko co mamy i czym jesteśmy to coś, a nie nic."

Nicość jest niefizyczna i przez to nierealna, więc od zawsze jesteśmy tym, co jest, bo nie da się nie być.


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